About Us
Ağacan Group Textile
Ağacan has specialized in manufacturing of soft separates
including different variations of dresses, blouses and trousers in high volume and produces time sensitive goods for the World’s leading brands via its global networks
As a Company, our core values are open to ınnovatıon, honestly and transparency, team spırıt and dynamısm, workıng wıth a self confıdent and productıve labor force, awareness of laws, socıal values and envıronmental

Ağacan group textıle’s corporate culture is based on teamwork and open communicatıon our performance expectaıons are very hıgh these prıncıple underpın each staffer’s personel commıtment to meetıng customer needs
Development and qualıty contınue to be our fundamental strengths as we seek out and take advantage of opportunıtıes for futher growth and success We serve our customer wıth accurate, prompt and ethıcal values, meanwhıle support our supplıers by means of developıng theır quality standards
Besıdes perceıvıng customer satısfactıon as a prıoruty,
we also aim to be a model Company through our transparent management approach and honesty With dynamic and productıve workforce we manage to keep our team spirit and the concept of ınstıtutıonal commitment alive
Mission. Vision. History
Corporate Informations

Perceiving the demands, expectations and satisfaction of our customers at the highest level
to continue our production and designs with high
quality, dynamic and innovative approachs that
are respectful to nature and people
To be a strategic partner of brands in the ready to wear market wıth ıts ınnovatıve,creatıve and design power.
Ağacan Group Textıle
Manufaturing Technology
Gerber accumark v 10 (for marking and grading
* Automated spreading machines
* Computer based production planing,scheduling and invertory
control system
* Computer based cutting machine
* Computer based sample cutting machine Gerber dcs 1500
* Garment rail system (for hanging garment transport)
Emergency Department